There are a number of HEPA filters on the market and they aren't all the same. The Blueair air filter is super quiet so you won't even hear that it is running. It also has an intuitive sensor system that turns on only when it's needed. Air filtration is a must for pet owners and households in general. Even if you don't have allergies, clean air is highly beneficial to our well-being. This particular model is capable of keeping a 17'x10' room smelling fresh
Plastic Foraging Sphere- This is an entry level devise for parrots that have limited or no foraging experience. A six inch stainless steel skewer rod or kabob passes thru a three inch clear hanging globe with open slots on the bottom half. To fill, hold the sphere in one hand and turn the rod counter clockwise, remove the top half and fill with the food of your choice and twist the rod back into place.
The Byrdy Bush™ provides your feathered friend with hours of enjoyable preening. The vibrant, multi-colored rope easily attaches to any cage and helps to brighten your bird’s home. The tasseled end helps to prevent feather plucking and keeps your bird entertained.
The BooBooLoon® Air Cushioned Pet Recovery Collar™ is the most innovative way to protect your pet! Say bon voyage to the old hard plastic Elizabethan Cone. No longer will your pet have difficulty eating, sleeping or being comfortable while recovering from surgery or a skin ailment.
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